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Khoory Enterprises
Vertical Type Danish Grinding Mill (Indian Made)
500 MM & 400 MM
When it comes to high speed milling nothing can withstand this Vertical Grinding Mills.
OUTPUT up to 200Kg (Wheat Flour)
The features include Bright steel shaft, high quality ball bearings and a strong C.I casting body.
Trolly Type Grinding Mill
(Indian Made)
300 MM & 250 MM
For optimum output and convenience, Trolly Type Mill is the unbeatable one. Its features include the bigger stone size for higher efficiency and a strong electric motor with full-logic MCB to provide added security. Bright feeder, output and fineness control wheel along with broader closed hopper to hold more input material leave nothing to be added for more convenience. A portable trolley provided on 4 wheels comprehended by V belt Guard makes it easy to operate.
Vertical Danish Type Stone
(Indian Made)
Technical Specifications
Stone Size Thickness Bore Size Net Weight
(mm) (mm) (mm) (kg)
250 100 25 12
300 150 30 30
400 150 40 50
500 150 40 85
600 150 45 130
Size HP Hopper Capacity Net Weight Gross Weight Output
(mm) required (lbs) (lbs) (lbs) (lbs/hr)
20 cm 1 HP 25 60 100 25
25 cm 1.5 HP 30 70 110 35
30 cm 2 HP 30 80 130 45
35 cm 3 HP 35 100 150 60
Mill Spring
(Indian Made)
16 " for 400 MM & 20" for 500 MM